Keynote Speakers & Invited Speaker

Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Qing Li (IEEE Fellow)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Qing Li received the B.Eng. degree in computer science from the Hunan University (Changsha), China, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Southern California (Los Angeles), USA. He is a Chair Professor and the Head of Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His current research interests include multimodal data mining and management, conceptual data modeling, social media computing, Web services, and e-learning systems. He has authored/co-authored over 480 publications in the above areas. Prof. Li is also actively involved in the research community and has served as an associate editor of several technical journals, including IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (TCDS), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Data Science and Engineering, ​and World Wide Web, in addition to being a Conference and Program Chair/Co-Chair of numerous major international conferences. He is a fellow of IEEE, AAIA, and IEE/IET, in addition to being a distinguished member of CCF (China). He has sat/been sitting in the Steering Committees of ACM RecSys, IEEE U-MEDIA, DASFAA, WISE, FFD, and ICWL.


Keynote Speaker II

Prof. Chin-Chen Chang (IEEE Fellow)
Feng Chia University

Professor C.C. Chang obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from NCTU. He's first degree is Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and master degree is Master of Science in computer and decision sciences. Both were awarded in NTHU. Dr. Chang served in National Chung Cheng University from 1989 to 2005. His current title is Chair Professor in Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, from Feb. 2005. Prior to joining Feng Chia University, Professor Chang was an associate professor in Chiao Tung University, professor in NCHU, chair professor in NCCU. He had also been Visiting Researcher and Visiting Scientist to Tokyo University and Kyoto University, Japan. During his service in Chung Cheng, Professor Chang served as Chairman of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Dean of College of Engineering, Provost and then Acting President of Chung Cheng University and Director of Advisory Office in Ministry of Education, Taiwan, China. Professor Chang's specialties include, but not limited to, data engineering, database systems, computer cryptography and information security. A researcher of acclaimed and distinguished services and contributions to his country and advancing human knowledge in the field of information science, Professor Chang has won many research awards and honorary positions by and in prestigious organizations both nationally and internationally. He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IEE, UK. On numerous occasions, he was invited to serve as Visiting Professor, Chair Professor, Honorary Professor, Honorary Director, Honorary Chairman, Distinguished Alumnus, Distinguished Researcher, Research Fellow by universities and research institutes. He also published over 1,100 papers in Information Sciences. In the meantime, he participates actively in international academic organizations and performs advisory work to government agencies and academic organizations.

Prof. Yiu-ming Cheung(IEEE Fellow)
Hong Kong Baptist University

Yiu-ming Cheung is currently a Chair Professor (Artificial Intelligence) of the Department of Computer Science, Dean of Institute for Research and Continuing Education (IRACE), and Associate Director of Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies in Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He received PhD degree from Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2000, and then joined the Department of Computer Science at HKBU in 2001. He is an IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow, and British Computer Society (BCS) Fellow. He is the Awardee of RGC Senior Research Fellow with receiving a fellowship grant of HK$7.8 million over a period of 60 months. Since 2019, he has been ranked the World’s Top 1% Most-cited Scientists in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing by Stanford University for five consecutive years. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society in 2020, and named a Chair Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China for the dedication and exceptional achievements in his academic career. Also, he is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.
His research interests include machine learning and visual computing, as well as their applications in data science, pattern recognition, multi-objective optimization, and information security. He has published over 250 articles in the high-quality conferences and journals, including TPAMI, TNNLS, TIFS, TIP, TMM, TKDE, TCYB, CVPR, IJCAI, AAAI, and so on. His four co-authored papers have been selected as ESI Highly Cited Papers (i.e. listed in Top 1% globally in the corresponding discipline). Moreover, he has been granted one Chinese patent and two US patents. Subsequently, the underlying technique of his eye-gaze tracking patent has been successfully applied to develop the first mobile app for fatigue driving detection. It turns out that, selected from 1000 new inventions and products of 700+ competition teams from 40 countries, he was awarded two most prestigious prizes: (1) the Gold Medal with Distinction (i.e. the highest grade in Gold Medals) and (2) Swiss Automobile Club Prize, in the 45th International Exhibition of Invention, Geneva, Switzerland, on March 29-April 2, 2017, in recognition of his innovative work. Also, he was the Gold Award Winner of Hong Kong Innovative Invention Award in the Seventh Hong Kong Innovative Technologies Achievement Award 2017. In addition, he won the Gold Medal with Congratulations of Jury (i.e. the highest grade in Gold Medals) and the Award of Excellence from Romania, respectively, at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2018 with his invention “Lip-password: Double Security System for Identity Authentication”. He was the recipient of: (1) 2023 APNNS Outstanding Achievement Award, (2) Best Research Award of Department of Computer Science at HKBU in 2011 and 2021, respectively, (3) 2022-23 Faculty Research Excellence Paper Award in HKBU, (4) Best in Theoretical Paper Award in WI-IAT’2020, (5) Best Paper Awards in SEAL’2017, ISICA’2017, ICNC- FSKD’2014, and IEEE IWDVT’2005, respectively, and (6) Best Student Paper Award in ISMIS’2018.
He is the Founding Chairman of IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter and the Chair of Technical Community on Intelligent Informatics (TCII) of IEEE Computer Society. He has served in various capacities (e.g., Organizing Committee Chair, Program Committee Chair, Program Committee Area Chair, and Financial Chair) at several top-tier international conferences, including IJCAI’2021, ICPR’2020, ICDM’2017 & 2018, WCCI’2016, WI-IAT’2012, ICDM’2006 & WI-IAT’2006, to name a few. He is an Associate Editor of several prestigious journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2014-2020), Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), and Neurocomputing, as well as the Guest Editor in several international journals. Currently, he is an Engineering Panel member of Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, a member of assessment panel of Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) under the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), and a Fellow Evaluation Committee member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and IEEE Computer Society, respectively.

Invited Speaker I

Assoc. Prof. Vincent CS Lee
Monash University, Australia

Vincent CS Lee is currently an Associate Professor (top Level D professorial) with the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of IT, Monash University in Melbourne. In Oct 2006-July 2007 Lee was visiting Professors with School of Economics and Management, and School of Computing and Technology, Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Lee earned his PhD in Adaptive Signal Processing (1992) from The University of Newcastle, NSW in Australia. His education includes: BE and MSc(EE) (1984), both from the National University of Singapore; MBA from Henley Management College in Oxford, Brunel University, England (1990); BBus (Hons I in Economics & Finance) and MBus (Accountancy), both from RMIT University in Melbourne (1997). He is an elected Fellow of The Institute of Engineers, Australia (FIEAust), and a Senior Member of IEEE (USA).
Lee is a cross field researcher in IT, Digital Health, Signal and Information Processing, Financial Engineering (FinTech), Educational Data Mining, Explainable AI, Deep ML, Computer Vision for dynamic objects tracking, and Multi-agent Autonomous Systems. Lee has published 200+ papers in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Selected Areas in Communications, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Neurocomputing, Journal of Educational Computing Research; and in CORE A/A* Peer-review International Conferences proceedings (AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, ICWS, ICDE, PAKDD, CIKM, WWW, IEEE IC Signal Processing, IC-EDM).
He is currently an Associate Editor for Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Springer, Q1) and serving editorial boards in many scientific, IT and Engineering Q1 Journals. In recent years, Lee has served as invited keynote speakers for a number of IEEE and ACM Flagship conferences, held in Asia Pacific.

Invited Speaker II

Dr. Ching-Chun Chang
National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Ching-Chun Chang received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Warwick, UK, in 2019. He participated in a short-term scientific mission supported by European Cooperation in Science and Technology Actions at the Faculty of Computer Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, in 2016. He was granted the Marie-Curie fellowship and participated in a research and innovation staff exchange scheme supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions at the Faculty of Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, in 2017. He was a Visiting Scholar with the School of Computer and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Australia, in 2018, and with the School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia, in 2019. He was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, in 2020. He is currently a Project Assistant Professor with the National Institute of Informatics, Japan. His research interests include artificial intelligence, biometrics, communications, computer vision, cryptography, cybernetics, cybersecurity, evolutionary computation, forensics, information theory, linguistics, mathematical optimisation, natural language processing, privacy engineering, psychology, signal processing, steganography, time series forecasting, and watermarking, within the scope of computer science.



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Ms. Jassica Yao

APIT 2025 conference secretary



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